You can start your collection on a shoestring budget right at your own mailbox! Just save any envelopes with stamps on them, and a 15-minute soak in warm (not hot) water will easily remove the stamp from the paper. Let your family and friends know about your new hobby, and ask them to save their stamps for you.

As your collection expands, so should your means of acquiring new stamps. Even if you live hundreds of miles away from the nearest stamp dealer, don’t despair! There are huge inventories of stamps which can be purchased conveniently through the mail, no matter where you live. Dealers offer catalogs and price lists to customers in all parts of the country. You decide which ones you wish to add to your collection, and return the others with payment for only the stamps you keep!

You should only purchase stamps from a reputable company that guarantees your satisfaction. That way, you are assured of getting just what you want at the price you expected.